11 Amazing Health Benefits Of Amaranth Leaves and Seeds

The tastiest green under the sun is Amaranth leaves. Usually, the tender greens are delicious and rich in nutrients the same property is well built in the matured form of Amaranth called ‘Amaranth spleen’. Amaranth leaves sometimes look like spinach and it is available in red, green and purple and golden color. There is recent research found out many medical and health benefits of Amaranth leaves and seeds.

Amaranth leaves cleanse the blood toxins, makes the body cool, improves digestion, strengthens heart muscles, it guarantees head to foot health care. Amaranth is easily available and you don’t miss it in your everyday diet.

Health Benefits of Amaranth Leaves.

#1 Good For Anemia

Amaranth leaves are rich in carbohydrates, minerals, and proteins and it aids in digestion and helps to maintain the body weight and it also helps during the menstrual cycle. It is loaded with iron and hence it acts as good medicine for anemic patients.

#2 Controls Cholesterol

Amaranth can control cholesterol levels in the blood and hence it soothes the heart muscles. An important amino acid called Lysine is present abundantly which protects your skin from aging.

#3 Rectifies Blood Pressure

Cumin seeds dipped in amaranth extract and dry powdered it. This powder rectifies blood pressure, giddiness, and bile bag problems.

#4 Reduces Hypertension

The high fiber content in amaranth leaves improves the digestion and controls the cholesterol level in the blood. Since its oil nutritious it relaxes the heart muscle and reduces the hypertension condition.


#5 Maintains Diabetic Level

To maintain the diabetic level in the body it is necessary to include amaranth in your food. Amaranth improves the height of the children provided if it is included frequently in the child’s diet.

#6 Prevents Hemorrhoids

There is a red color variety in this green. Along with amaranth, Indian mallow and smashed dhal will help to cure hemorrhoids.

#7 Cures Fever

A bowl of soup is prepared with purple color amaranth leaves with cumin seeds and red chili will cure the fever.

#8 Cures Chronic Cough

A soup made with Amaranth leaves, turmeric powder, and parsley leaves will cure chronic cough and it is the best medicine for any kind of cough.

#9 Improves Digestion

For loss of appetite in children include food with amaranth with onion, garlic, and pepper this also cures distaste condition. The extract of amaranth is used in Ayurveda to treat dysentery and diarrhea.

#10 Cures Ulcers

Amaranth leaves with smashed dhal included in diet cures stomach ulcers. Mouth ulcer, mouth odor, sore throat, weak gums can be cured with the help of an amaranth solution. The amaranth extract acts as the best mouth wash.

#11 Helps Healthy Hair and Skin

An amaranth paste applied on the scalp will enrich the root hairs and helps in growth and reduces the hair fall. Overall it nourishes and maintains your hair healthy. Amaranth extract applied as a face pack will cure the pimples and oiliness on the face.

Amaranth Seeds Nutrition Facts

Serving = 1 Cup Cooked Seeds

Nutrient% of Daily Value
Protein9 gm
Vitamin B614%
Manganese          105%

