Bach Flower Remedies

The Bach Remedies-Restoring Mental Equilibrium

The Bach Flower Remedies are a gentle means of restoring mental equilibrium, thus allowing the entire being a chance to regain his or her innate strength and ability to combat ill-health.

Health depends on being in harmony with our souls. Treat the person and not the disease; the cause and not the effect.  Those were the words of Dr. Edward Bach who discovered the remarkable system of Bach Flower remedy in England in 1930.

These 38 flower remedies represent a complete system of healing directed entirely at the personality, mood and the emotional equilibrium of a person. The Bach flower remedies (except Rock Water), being flower extracts or culled from plants, trees, bushes, and natural springs, are completely safe, have no unwanted side effects and are non-addictive. They are gentle in action and can be taken by people of all ages – from infants to the elderly. They can also be used safely during pregnancy to ease the process of childbirth and to cure post-natal depression. The Bach flower remedies can be combined with any other kind of medication and are also beneficial for animals and plants.

Unlike other medications which are purely symptomatic, the Bach flower remedies are prescribed after intense counseling session to enable the therapist to gauge the root cause of the person’s ailment in keeping with his personality, temperament and state of mind. Dr. Bach believed that a person’s inherent nature is of utmost importance in seeking a cure because disharmony within oneself was the root cause of all diseases.

The mind and body are closely linked. They have their own natural healing process. The Bach flower remedies are a gentle means of restoring mental equilibrium, thus allowing the entire being a chance to regain his or her innate strength and ability to combat ill-health.

These flower remedies can also be used during the initial periods of anxiety and stress to prevent them from developing into more serious conditions.
