Naturopathy – Garlic Health Benefits

Cultivation of garlic was started centuries ago long before records were kept. The country of its origin is, therefore, not clear, but believed to be southern Europe. Garlic, owing to its pungent smell needs no introduction anywhere even to those who have never tasted or even seen it. The penetrating odor of this herb is caused by its main ingredient, which is a volatile oil. This is very unfortunate, for many more people would have tried garlic but for its strong and lingering smell.

During the First World War, garlic was used with great success for treating the wounded in the battlefield. The amazing antiseptic power of this herb not only saved thousands of lives but also prevent such complications and serious infections as gangrene. It also checked the spread of ghastly epidemics. There are growing signs that more people are becoming accustomed to garlic in spite of it being hot and possessing such an overpowering odor.

Garlic Prevents and Treats

Garlic prevents and treats a number of diseases without any harm or side-effects provided taken rightly and continuously. World research into the miracles of garlic has been taking place for a number of years. Leading experiments are going on in various advanced countries like Japan, America, France, Germany, and Russia. They have conclusively shown that it not only reduces blood pressure, blood cholesterol and triglycerides but also acts as a wonderful antiseptic killing all kinds of harmful bacteria/worms/germs. In Russia garlic is known as Russian penicillin. American experts endorse the belief, as it was known centuries ago that garlic is ideal for use in all respiratory infections, bronchitis, whooping cough, and asthma. It develops beneficial bacteria in the intestine.

In all cases they found garlic to be harmless with no side-effects. It is stimulating, anti-spasmodic, expectorant, laxative and diuretic. It is ideal for treating the respiratory tract problems, skin complaints, leprosy, fever, intestinal disorders, dysentery, colitis, diarrhea, indigestion, colds, flu, viral and worm infestations, arthritis, rheumatism, gout, allergy, circulatory problem, obesity, diabetes, stress, tuberculosis and gastric disorders and to prevent plague and other epidemics. Garlic contains important vitamins and minerals. It is a heart tonic, effective carminative, and appetite stimulant. Garlic may be taken liberally during winter and rainy seasons. Garlic juice mixed with honey is recommended for cold (running nose. sneezing etc), cough, sore/hoarse throat, loss of voice, asthma, and bronchitis. Many have found garlic as an aid in detoxification. Garlic is certainly a disinfectant herb.

Ways of Using Garlic

There are endless ways of using garlic, Nowadays, we are fortunate that with the aid of modem science, garlic capsules have been produced which can be taken without the odor problem.

From a nutritional and safety point of view, cooked garlic is more valuable than the raw garlic. Raw garlic, if taken in excess quantity, in rare cases may cause irritation, bumps, and inflammation of the digestive tract, besides allergy, dermatitis, lethargy, and dehydration. Well, cooked garlic is not irritated and has no adverse effect. Cooking does not ruin its health-giving properties.

This herb is so versatile that a book could be written on its use in the kitchen. Take garlic continuously by cooking or in the form of capsules/pearls without the problem of odor and obtain fantastic results. Carry them with you during travel and take 3-6 capsules daily. It is simply a herb or vegetable and not a medicine or drug. Don’t be hesitant. Try it and see for yourself.

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  1. jack
