Padmasana – Procedure and Benefits

Padmasana is an important asana in yoga. It should be done while sitting on the floor. We don’t want to spend special time on this yoga. We can do this yoga while reading books. But this shouldn’t be performed while eating. Let’s see how to do this asana in this article.

Padma Means Lotus. Asanam indicates the seat which in turn indicates sitting in a position without any movement (Lotos Pose).

Padmasana Procedure

  • Sit on the floor and stretch your legs.
  • Now hold the right leg in both hands, fold the legs slowly and place it on the left thigh.
  • Make sure that the foot touches the abdomen.
  • Likewise, fold the left hand, hold it with both hands and place it on the right thigh close to the other.
  • At this point, both the knees should touch the floor and the foot should face upwardly. The spinal cord should be straight at this point.

padmasana procedure

First, you should sit properly and keep your spine and neck erect. Secondary your right leg should be above your left leg and vice versa. Both the leg should touch the abdomen and the feet should face upward. We should sit straight and the knee should touch the ground.

Close your eyes and place your vision in the center of your eyebrows. Slowly inhale and exhale 14 to 16 times. While sitting in the position of Padmasana, the thumb should touch the tip of the forefinger.

Some people will find it difficult for their right leg to place on the left thigh. They can place their left leg on the right thigh. Then they can place their right leg on the left thigh. There is nothing wrong with this. However, it is hopeful to take place on the right foot first.

Some people will have a problem overlapping both legs. They can do any one leg on the opposite thigh. This one asana is to be called Artha-Padmasana. Regular practice will help give enough flexibility to get perfect Padmasana posture.

If you feel difficulty in sitting in the posture for a long time you can change the legs and then sit in the same position. The spinal cord should be erect, both the hands should be together or put the palms facing upside on the knee joints and the thumb must touch the index finger and the other fingers should face upward.

Do this padmasana for one minute then open the eyes slowly, open the palm then release the left leg first then release the right leg. Stretch the legs and relax. Do this asana for 15 to 30 minutes. Let’s see the benefits of padmasana when you doing regularly.

Padmasana Benefits

Cures the hip pain:

Many people suffer from hip pain as they age. When we give pressure on our hip, we suffer from severe pain. Padmasana is the remedy for those people. It increases the blood flow in the ankles and hip. If you do Padmasana regularly the hip pain gets rid very quickly.

Controls the stress:

Many people in modern machine life are suffering from excessive stress due to excessive work in the office and family quarrels. When you keep on practicing this Padmasana, it controls the stress, and pressure and gets peace of mind.

Strengthens the knee joints: 

This asana is the base for all asanas and it strengthens the hip and knee joints of the female and can get a painless peaceful mind.

Boost the brain activity:

Padmasana activates the brain. It boosts memory power. Padmasana is the highly preferred asana by yoga practitioners for increasing the focus of mind and concentration.

Increase the blood flow:

A person who suffers from high blood pressure and low blood pressure can do this yoga which results in a balanced flow of blood.

Remedy of digestive problems:

Most people suffer from digestive problems. For them doing padmasana is a good remedy. It stimulates the abdomen, spine, and bladder. It increases the hungry.

Other Benefits

  • It helps Calms the brain.
  • Helps to relax the body.
  • It stretches the ankles and knees.
  • The unwanted fat will be reduced in the hip and the thigh.
  • It stretches the spine.

This asana can be done in the morning and evening and can do for 1 minute to 30 minutes. But you should not hurt yourself by doing padmasana. You should not do padmasana if your leg hurts. This is the easiest asana that can be done by all age groups of men and women they can get the benefits of all asana.
