Procedure and Benefits of Doing Adho Mukha Svanasana

Our ancestors thought our bodies as a temple where God lives. They have grown the Yogasana with simple methods to keep the temple healthy. The body and the mind of the person doing the yoga become one together. When this unity becomes possible the health of the body is protected. When the body and the mind are kept healthy the man will not be getting any problem.

Liberalization, privatization and globalization situations affect both our mind and the body. All of us are doing various types of foods, exercises and medical methods for the well-being of the physique and our soul. In that space, there is a link between the body and the mind. If we want a clear mind we should be better health. Yogasana relaxes the mind and strengthens the nerves and gives a healthy and beautiful body.

The simple method of protecting our mind and body ourselves is Yogasana. In that Yogasana series we are looking for various types of the asanas, their reason for the name, the procedure to do it and benefits of it. Here are the steps to perform Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose) and the benefits of doing this asana.

adho-mukha-svanasana-benefitsReason For The Name:

Adho Mukha means- face that looks down, Svanam means Dog, This asana looks like the dog stretching its body for breaking the laziness. So that it gets the name.

Adho Mukha Svanasana Procedure:

  1. We should lie upside down and inhale the breath and exhale it as well.
  2. Keep both the legs together and stretch it backwardly.
  3. Keep both the palms below your chest on the floor.
  4. The fingers should be stretching forward.
  5. Inhale the breathe deeply and lift your head, back and hip upwardly.
  6. Next, exhale the breath and lit your back even higher and then fold your head downwardly.
  7. Make sure that your legs do not fold while doing this.
  8. Hold your body in this position for 30 seconds and inhale your breathe deeply and lift your heels from the floor and lower your back and take your head from the floor.
  9. Finally exhale the breath and come back to the normal stage.

Adho Mukha Svanasana Benefits

  • It removes sprains and cramps in the dorsal area.
  • It helps to strengthen the spinal cord.
  • This asana is the best asana to cure shoulder pain caused by working long hours sitting in the same place.
  • It provides stability for both hands and feet.
  • It strengthens the muscles of ankles, knees, and back of thigh areas (hamstring muscles).
  • It increases the blood circulation of the head area and gives freshness to the whole body.
  • It helps to reduce the belly due to fat deposition in the stomach.
  • It helps in strengthening the neck bones.
  • It helps in curing the diseases of genitals.
