Homeopathy Treatment for Common Cold, Blocked Nose
Common cold is considered a viral infection of the inner surface of the nose, characterized by sneezing and discharge of a watery or thick fluid, which also blocks the nose. Though not a serious disease, cold causes a lot of discomfort, misery and embarrassment to the sufferer.
Homeopathy Treatment for Common Cold and Blocked Nose
Check if most symptoms of any of these remedies match with most of your symptoms:
Aconite 30: Cold from exposure to cold air; sudden attack of cold with much sneezing, pain at the root of the nose and / or forehead, scanty nasal discharge and blockage of nostrils; face is red and hot; there is an unquenchable thirst for large quantities of cold water and a desire to be in open air; great restlessness and anxiety.
Allium cepa 30: Cold from rainy weather; profuse, watery discharge from the nose as well as the eyes-while the discharge from the nose is acrid (causing burning), that from the eyes is bland; the nose starts flowing in a warm room but stops flowing in open air; the cold may be accompanied by irritating/painful cough which compels the person to grasp the throat.
Arsenic 30: Cold from eating cold foods, ice-cream or ice in the winter or from sea-bathing; thin, watery acidic discharge from the nose which is less indoors but increases in open air (unlike Aconite, Allium cepa Euphrasia, Pulsatilla); there is inexplicable prostration, fear and anguish.
Belladonna 30: Sudden attack of cold from exposure to summer sun (like Mere sol), characterized by fluent, blood-stained discharge from the nose and a throbbing headache; the face is red and hot (like Aconite) but the person feels better in a warm room (unlike Aconite).
Euphrasia 30: Profuse, bland discharge from the nose and severe acrid (burning) tearing, causing sore eyes; the cold may descend to the larynx, causing ‘day time cough’; the person feels better in open air (like Aconite, Allium cepa, Pulsatilla).
Gelsemium 30: An attack of cold in cold, rainy weather, which comes on gradually; there may be symptoms of influenza like dizziness, trembling, fever, bodyache and dull headache (which is relieved by urination); the person feels better in open air (like Aconite, Allium cepa, Euphrasia, Pulsatilla).
Natrum mur 30: Ann attack of cold commencing with violent sneezing and followed by fluent discharge (resembling white of an egg) from the nose; the person feels better in open air and by cold bathing. A craving for salt, greasy face and a weeping disposition would confirm Natrum mur.
Nux Vomica 30: An attack of cold in cold, dry weather; the nose runs during the day and in open air but becomes dry or blocked at night; a desire to be in a closed room with body well-covered and frequent ineffectual desire for stools confirm the choice of Nux vomica.
Mercurius sol 30: An attack of cold in damp weather or from wandering in strong sunshine (like Belladonna), beginning with much sneezing; acrid, thick, greenish yellow, pus-like nasal discharge, more at night. Intense thirst for large quantities of cold water and profuse, offensive perspiration confirm the choice of mercurius.
Pulsatilla 30: An attack of cold after eating rich, fatty food; the nasal discharge is thick, greenish-yellow but bland (non-burning); a desire to be in open air, thirstlessness and a mild, weeping nature confirm the choice of Pulsatilla.
Very useful information.
Thank you. Valuable information
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Good Information ..