Naturopathy Treatments – Respiratory, Hypertension, Headache

Naturopathy Treatment for Respiratory Diseases

Disease: Respiratory diseases-asthma, bronchitis, sore throat, cough, allergies, sinusitis, cold, rhinitis, nasal polyps (chronic), nose block.

Naturopathy Treatment: Common Program minus cold hip bath, plus cold chest pack at night. Fomentation to upper back. Thorough overhauling of the whole system with fasting and enema for 3 to 8 days, dry friction, neutral sponge, breathing exercises, hot Epsom salt bath. Hot water should be sipped when required. Take steam inhalation, asthma bath, back massage, hot arm and hot foot bath (combined for 15 minutes) then sleep immediately at night, rub vicks on chest and throat and cover with woolen muffler before sleeping, keep chest warm by wearing sweater and muffler, do not expose to cold. Gargle with warm salt (saline) water 2/3 times daily. Restricted (mucous less) diet for 3 to 6 weeks. Take fruits and juice rich in Vitamin-C no cooked food in the evenings. Avoid dairy products.

Yoga: Kunjal, Jalneti followed by cow ghee drop in nostrils, Vastra Dhauti, Laghushankhaprakashalana, Suryanamaskara, Bhujangasana, Shalaphasana, Paschimottanasana, Kapal Bhati, Bhastrika, Suryahedana and Yoga Nidra.

Naturopathy Treatment for Migraine, Headache

Disease: Migraine, Headache.

Naturopathy Treatment: Common Program Plus thorough overhauling of the system with fasting & enema for 3 to 8 days. Hot foot and arm bath, massage to head, contrast foot bath, hot and cold hip bath (twice a week), massage to abdomen, fomentation and pack.

Yoga: Kunjal, Jalneti, Laghushankhaprakashalana, Suryanamaskara, Bhujangasana, Shalaphasana, Paschimottanasana, Shitali, Sheetakari, and Yoga Nidra.

Naturopathy Treatment for Hypertension (HBP)

Disease: Hypertension (HBP)

Naturopathy Treatment: Common Program Minus sauna, steam, any hot treatment, jogging, cycling, heavy exercises. Take chest/trunk packs, cold spinal bath, ice massage to head and spine, mud bath, hot foot bath with chest pack. Maximum sleep, rest and relaxation (minimum 10 hours daily). Salt is poison. Reverse oil massage weekly twice. Three days on fruit diet every month.

Yoga: bhujangasana, ARdha parvanmuktasana, parvatasana, gomukhasana, sitali, bhramari, chttashuddhi and yoga nidra.

Naturopathy Treatment for Treatment Methods – Diabetes, Arthritis, Hypotension

Disease: Hypotension (LBP), under weight, anemia, fatigue, nervous debility.

Naturopathy Treatment: Common Program minus lemon bath daily…..

>>>> Diabetes, Arthritis, Hypotension
