Naturopathy Treatment – Stress, Indigestion, Constipation, Piles

Naturopathy Treatment for Amoebiasis, Constipation, Piles.

Disease: Amoebiasis, constipation, piles.

Naturopathy Treatment:Common Program plus GH (Gastro Hepatic) pack, thoroughly cleansing the whole system with fasting and enema for 5 to 10 days, followed by vigorous exercises and controlled diet, hot and cold hip bath and abdominal pack at night. Inject 2/3 mille liters of oil into rectum in the night and put cold pack for 30 minutes on rectum for piles.

Yoga: Kunjal, Laghushan-khaprakshalana, Vipareet Karni, Bhujanga-sana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Kapal Bhati, Amuloma Viloma.

Naturopathy Treatment for Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Gastro-Intestinal Gas.

Disease: Indigestion, loss of appetite, gastro-intestinal gas.

Naturopathy Treatment: Common Program plus GH (Gastro Hepatic) pack, through overhauling of the system with fasting and enema for 2 to 5 days, fomentation to abdomen, abdomen massage, hot and cold hip bath twice a week, abdomen pack at night.

Yoga: Kunjal, Pavan Muktasana, Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Yogamudra, Anuloma Viloma.

Naturopathy Treatment for Tension, Stress, Irritability, Depression,

Disease: Tension, stress, irritability, depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, insomnia.

Naturopathy Treatment:Common Program plus cold spinal bath twice daily and abdominal pack at night. Avoid, acid-forming food like starch, protein, fatty items, but take alkaline diet rich in calcium, vitamin-C and B1, plus dairy products (from skimmed milk) and vegetables, fruits, sprouts, naturally sweet curds/butter milk, soybeans and molasses. Avoid irritants like lemon, sour juices/curds, spices, salt, pickles etc. take soothing diet.

Yoga: Jalaneti, Kunjal, Sarvangasana, Matsyasana, Parvatasana, Shavasana, Pranayama and Chittashuddhi.

Naturopathy Treatment for Liver Disorders

Disease: Liver Disorders (hepatitis), amoebic liver.

Naturopathy Treatment:Common Program plus GH (Gastro Hepatic) pack, abdominal pack at night, thorough overhauling of the whole system with fasting and enema for 6 to 10 days, dry friction, light massage over liver followed by cold and hot fomentation (3 mts each) or hot and neutral hip bath weekly 2/3 times, hot Epsom salt bath. Take soothing diet.

Yoga: Kunjal, Halasana, Paschimottanasana, Ustrasana, Shashankasana, Kapal Bhati, Bhastrika, Anuloma Viloma.

Naturopathy Treatment for Treatment Methods – Respiratory, Hypertension, Headache

Disease: Respiratory diseases-asthma, bronchitis, sore throat, cough, allergies, sinusitis, cold, rhinitis, nasal polyps (chronic), nose block.

Naturopathy Treatment:Common Program minus cold hip bath…..

>>>>Respiratory, Hypertension, Headache

One Response

  1. Susan jolie
