Naturopathy – Vitamins And Minerals In Your Food

Vitamin A (Fat Soluble)

Function in the Body: Essential for normal growth and development, including bones and teeth, it protects body from disease, especially the respiratory tract. Necessary for good sight, healthy skin and body tissue repair in general.

Main Source: Milk, curds, butter cheese, pumpkin, carrots, leafy vegetables, tomato, mango, papaya, orange, melon, apricots, peaches, potatoes.

Recommended daily allowances for adults: 5000 I.U.

Vitamin B1 Thiamine (Water Soluble)

Function in the Body: Plays an important role in normal functioning of brain, heart, nervous system. Regulates carbohydrate, metabolism, appetite and maintains good digestion.

Main Source: Wheat germ, yeast outer layer of rice, wheat and other whole grain cereals especially after sprouting, nuts, peas, lime, soybeans, dried beans, legumes, soy, dark green leafy vegetables, milk, cheese, banana, apple, molasses.

Recommended daily allowances for adults: 1.2 – 2.0 mg

Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine (Water Soluble)

Function in the Body: Helps in absorption of fats and proteins

Main Source: Rice, milk, molasses, 2-3 mg, yeast, cereals, soy, and fresh vegetables.

Recommended daily allowances for adults: 2 – 3 mg.

Vitamin B12 (Water Soluble)

Function in the Body: Essential for proper functioning of the central nervous system and proper utilization of food for body building.

Main Source: Soy milk and cheese.

Recommended daily allowances for adults: 3 mg

Vitamin C – Ascorbic Acid (Water Soluble)

Function in the Body: Essential for normal growth and maintenance of practically all body tissues, especially those having to do with joints, bones, teeth and gums, protection against infections. Great help in quick healing of wounds.

Main Source: Citrus fruits like orange, lemon, mosambi, amla, tornado, grapes, melons, potato and green leafy vegetables, cabbage, sprouted Bengal and green grams.

Recommended daily allowances for adults: 50 – 75 mg

Vitamin D (Fat Soluble)

Function in the Body: Essential for proper bone and teeth formation. Helps in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorous.

Main Source: Rays of the sun, milk, butter, cheese.

Recommended daily allowances for adults: 400 – 800 I.U.

Vitamin E (Fat Soluble)

Function in the Body: Essential for normal reproductory function, fertility and physical tone. Helpful in cardiovascular diseases.

Main Source: Wheat or Cereal germ, whole grain products, green leafy vegetables especially lettuce alfafla, milk, soybeans.

Recommended daily allowances for adults: 12 I.U.


Function in the Body: Essential for building and repairing of the body.

Main Source: found in cheese, milk, buttermilk, curds, peas, beans, lentils, soy, and nuts.

Minerals – Calcium, Phosphorous

Function in the Body: Building teeth and bones.

Main Source: Milk, cheese, flour, cabbage, baked beans, curry powder, dried fruits.


Function in the Body: Transport of oxygen.

Main Source: Kelp, black molasses, cabbage, spinach.


Function in the Body: Healthy nervous system and cell structure. Helping promotion of absorption and metabolism of protein and many vitamins.

Main Source: Banana, leafy vegetables kelp, dolomite.

Carbohydrates (Starch, Sugar)

Function in the Body: Energy

Main Source: flour, rice, potatoes, cereals, sugar, jam, syrup, sweets, chocolate, tinned foods.


Function in the Body: Immunity Power

Main Source: Butter, ghee, margarine, oil, milk, cheese, chocolate.

Nature Cure – Treatment Chart

(Also Consult Naturopaths & Yoga experts)
Disease: For all diseases as specified hereunder (for a required period)

>>>>Diseases and Treatments
