Stress Management – Cope with Stress

Stress Management

Stress-related illnesses in the IT and BPO sector can be reduced significantly. Many believe that professionals in the IT and BPO industries are disease-Prone. This is not true, as individuals working in these industries are prone to certain industry-specific illnesses, which are not different from other industry-specific illnesses. Stress is a major culprit in these industries, with the main causes being deadlines, targets, monotonous nature of jobs, night shifts, long working hours and aggressive career objectives.

How to cope with stress?

However cope with stress by itself is not dangerous but, if left unattended, could assume dangerous propositions. Sleeping disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, headaches, visual disturbance, mood swings, and sexual dysfunction are some of the most common symptoms that can be attributed to stress.

Signs and Symptoms

Stress is defined as the body’s reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional adjustment or response. Stress is a lesser problem in organizations that pay adequate attention to the induction of employees in a new working environment. While many organizations have measures to help their employees cope with stress, there is an inadequate focus on nipping it in the bud while inducting an employee. By focusing on environmental adaptation during induction, organizations can prevent stress-related issues, improve productivity and reduce attrition rates.

Organizations now use a host of initiatives like gyms in working areas, picnics, events, yoga, Ayurveda to d-stress employees. While each one has its value, it is important to incorporate a system that provides employees with an opportunity to discuss issues. Trained counselors are of immense value in this regard and can help provide solutions to a majority of stress-related issues and pre-empt dangerous situations.

Lifestyle diseases

The ill-effects of stress are being amplified by lifestyle diseases. Dreaded diseases like heart attack and cancer are no longer diseases of the aged. The number of sudden cardiac deaths in young individuals is also being reported. Sedentary lifestyle, dietary habits, tobacco, alcohol, and stress are a deadly combination and provide an ideal platform for dangerous diseases. Apart from the stress factor, employees in IT and BPO sectors need to pay attention to their lifestyle and ensure that their professional growth and success is not marred by health-related issues. While major organizations give adequate attention to their employee’s health, the smaller organizations (Which employ a significant proportion of it and BPO personnel) are yet to focus on health.

The simple prescription for creating healthy IT and BPO sectors  is: Firstly to have a scientifically developed induction systems: To conduct regular educational sessions on stress and lifestyle management: To implement innovative stress-relieving programs: To provide access to counselors: To keep track of employee’s health with preventive checks at regular interval, risk stratification of employee’s health; risk management programs and review of health status at regular intervals.
